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Turkey District Data

Turkey District Data

Turkey District Data Group Set, district boundaries map data and health statistics, transport statistics, construction statistics, all settlements and population, number of animals, housing number, such as the number and agriculture pharmacies consists of tables listed below.

We offer two different Turkey county data content. 1st Turkey showing county boundaries, the polygon is the spatial data in the WGS84 coordinate system. You can buy the data set in Esri ShapeFiles, SQL, Mdb, Gdb formats. 2. Tabular data: It was compiled in accordance with district and provincial mapping and geographic analysis. Each data source and production year is made up of an updateable data group. By assigning the uavt code for each unit, all tables can be compared and mapped to each other. Our prices include VAT. Delivery of purchased data takes a maximum of 1.5 business days.

  • Base County Data ESRI ShapeFile

    ShapeFile Table Structure of Our File
    Shape: Geometry area
    Province Code: UAVT (National Address Database) City code
    Province Name: Province name
    District Code: UAVT (National Address Database) District code
    District Name: District name

  • Data Grubunun İçindeki Tablolar

    Örnek İlçe Verisi dosyasını indirmek için tıklayınız.

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